So tonight I went for an hour of peace at one of my favorite places in Broward County, Dream Dinners. I have not been for close to a year, because when I started this day care thing, all the "me" time disappeared.. I used to go before work some days, after work other days. Some days I took a bottle of wine and a friend, a couple of times I even went with my Nana, which was really a nice thing to do with her. I really missed her tonight as I was making my entrees alone. :(
Well, I really think it is a great place to go, and everyone should try it once. You pretty much pick what you want to make ahead of time on their website. Then you go there and they have bags waiting for you on your refrigerator shelf. Then there are a bunch of stations set up for you to prepare your meals. There are a bunch of ingredients, measuring cups, measuring spoons, bags, and a recipe.. Not to mention plenty of helpers, if you need the help.. Tonight I made like 14 dinners, all types of things.. My favorites this month look like they will be, Caribbean Jerk Chicken, Grilled Steaks with Caramelized Onions, Arroz con Pollo, Oven Baked Almond Chicken, White Chicken Lasagna, Fiesta Fajita Shredded Beef, and a yummy Beef Pasta Bolognese... ohhh and who can forget the yummy Molten Chocolate Lava Cakes, which were ready made, and we sampled while we were making our dinners.. yummy.. Well gotta go, I just made one of them for dessert tonight!