Well, pictures are kind of boring today, it was this or the dining room table. Today was big though. The cooking classes are coming in handy, I was practicing a dish tonight, and if it was good, I planned on inviting my Dad over next week. Well one glass of wine into making dinner, I decided to see if he wanted to come over tonight. He accepted the offer and was over with a nice bottle of Syrah in 30 minutes. He enjoyed dinner and even had seconds. He gave me his feedback, which was pretty minimal. So it went well. :) I made Shrimp Etouffee over a bed of rice made with coconut water and onions (he said leave out the coconut water next time.) Served it with a delicious crusty french baguette and avocados as we needed to eat them soon! Dessert was raspberries, strawberries and mango drizzled with cream and a sprinkle of sugar.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Homework on a Sunday
Homework, homework, homework! We stay busy, even on the weekends... I have a lot of trouble photographing my kids because they are so fair. Any suggestions?
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Blurry Self Portrait
Self explanatory. Austin and I taking a quick snap shot on the couch, it was blurry as could be, and the colors are horrible. Austin has my double chin.. ha...This is a learning experience, right?
Friday, January 28, 2011
Say Sand!
"Hey Mom, Why did you take the sheets off the bed?"
-Because the bed had sand in it from your shoes.
"Uh, oh.. I have sand in my shoes right now!"
----I wonder how there is any sand left on the beach if every kid in her school comes home with so much sand in their shoes!!!
-Because the bed had sand in it from your shoes.
"Uh, oh.. I have sand in my shoes right now!"
----I wonder how there is any sand left on the beach if every kid in her school comes home with so much sand in their shoes!!!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Define: Dream Big
Tonight was my last class of a series entitled "New You" at Academy of Glam (http://www.academyofglam.com) so of course I had to take a picture there!
You can read the class description here as I did: http://jewelsfablife.com/2011/01/06/happy-new-you-happy-new-me/
Well, the class was totally different as described in my friend's blog, but I can't exactly describe it... Why? Because it was different for everyone. It was more soul searching than I thought, and it wasn't full of ladies my age... it was full of ladies half my age through ladies almost twice my age, but we all had something in common, we were there for ourselves. Not a selfish kind of thing, but almost like a female retreat..
Dancing, Crying, Laughing, Hair Styling, Browtox (not really, but the way this lady did your eye brows, you leave looking like you just had eye lifting surgery {http://www.wowbrows.net} ) Make Up Lessons, Photo Shoots, Facial Masks, Belly Dancing, Burlesque Dance Class, Zumba Class, Self Defense Classes, Nutrition Advice, Supplement Advice, Meditation, Financial Fun Advice ( by Natalie P. McNeal, author of The Frugalista Files { http://www.thefrugalista.com } )Fun, Fun, and Reality TV Taping, too.
But what did I get out of it? A sense of not power, but empowerment.. does that make sense? I learnt to "Dream Big." Not like... I will win the lotto tomorrow..but a huge combination of things... to have a private, sacred place in my home dedicated to me.....a place that I can define my goals and dreams. It may just be a journal on my dresser next to my new fabulous makeup, or it may be a huge poster board with pictures on it to visualize my dreams...my destiny...my life.
I am happier now than ever. It's like turned 30 and decided, who cares if people like me or don't. If they like the way I raise my kids, or don't..the way I dress, the way I operate.. if they don't like me, no worries, I don't need them to be a character in my movie.. they don't even need to be an extra! :)
I made some awesome friends from this experience, I met many make up artists, but one in particular really stood out, but not as a make up artist, but as an individual...as a friend...and it happens that I also really hit it off with her husband, too.. Not knowing he was her husband at first too, didn't put two and two together for a minute there.. :) (http://mymakeupchallenge.blogspot.com/2011/01/editorial-makeup.html)
I met someone I admired as a photographer, too, and now I can definitely call her a friend, and wow she stays busy. She has an awesome house that she turned into the ultimate location for photo/video shoots (http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Mendy-House/127636300620740)
So all in all, it was for sure the best $49 I ever spent, and hope to take some more classes there. It's just a great place to be! :)
You can read the class description here as I did: http://jewelsfablife.com/2011/01/06/happy-new-you-happy-new-me/
Well, the class was totally different as described in my friend's blog, but I can't exactly describe it... Why? Because it was different for everyone. It was more soul searching than I thought, and it wasn't full of ladies my age... it was full of ladies half my age through ladies almost twice my age, but we all had something in common, we were there for ourselves. Not a selfish kind of thing, but almost like a female retreat..
Dancing, Crying, Laughing, Hair Styling, Browtox (not really, but the way this lady did your eye brows, you leave looking like you just had eye lifting surgery {http://www.wowbrows.net} ) Make Up Lessons, Photo Shoots, Facial Masks, Belly Dancing, Burlesque Dance Class, Zumba Class, Self Defense Classes, Nutrition Advice, Supplement Advice, Meditation, Financial Fun Advice ( by Natalie P. McNeal, author of The Frugalista Files { http://www.thefrugalista.com } )Fun, Fun, and Reality TV Taping, too.
But what did I get out of it? A sense of not power, but empowerment.. does that make sense? I learnt to "Dream Big." Not like... I will win the lotto tomorrow..but a huge combination of things... to have a private, sacred place in my home dedicated to me.....a place that I can define my goals and dreams. It may just be a journal on my dresser next to my new fabulous makeup, or it may be a huge poster board with pictures on it to visualize my dreams...my destiny...my life.
I am happier now than ever. It's like turned 30 and decided, who cares if people like me or don't. If they like the way I raise my kids, or don't..the way I dress, the way I operate.. if they don't like me, no worries, I don't need them to be a character in my movie.. they don't even need to be an extra! :)
I made some awesome friends from this experience, I met many make up artists, but one in particular really stood out, but not as a make up artist, but as an individual...as a friend...and it happens that I also really hit it off with her husband, too.. Not knowing he was her husband at first too, didn't put two and two together for a minute there.. :) (http://mymakeupchallenge.blogspot.com/2011/01/editorial-makeup.html)
I met someone I admired as a photographer, too, and now I can definitely call her a friend, and wow she stays busy. She has an awesome house that she turned into the ultimate location for photo/video shoots (http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Mendy-House/127636300620740)
So all in all, it was for sure the best $49 I ever spent, and hope to take some more classes there. It's just a great place to be! :)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Aidan the child of many faces!
Aidan has been in my daycare since he was five months old. He is now a two year old GENIUS. This child knows soooo much for his age. He honestly will be reading by four, no doubt in my mind. He is not only incredibly smart, but he is hilarious. His parents have taught him to make some funny faces and do some random things. He is by far my best behaved boy at the daycare, largely because he doesn't retaliate. He is a very big boy, but he doesn't use that to his advantage, he just lets things go... most of the time. He also loves to take pictures, so expect some classic ones in the future, since his Mom has granted her permission for me to post on here. :)
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Bad Dog!
Well, Sugar the fat Boxer is on a diet, and she has resorted to sniffing around and doing anything to get an extra snack in...
This was supposed to be a picture of a cupcake, boring I know, but they have realllly pretty glitter on them and I was dying to attempt to capture it in a picture :) They are the best cupcakes in South Florida, ask Sugar!
This was supposed to be a picture of a cupcake, boring I know, but they have realllly pretty glitter on them and I was dying to attempt to capture it in a picture :) They are the best cupcakes in South Florida, ask Sugar!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Ahhhh Brayden.. It's been almost two years since your Mom called me inquiring about childcare and we hit off so well, I knew I would have to love you regardless. ;-) Well, Brayden is two. Always been quite the looker. This was taken from our nap time photo shoot. Normally kids nap during nap time, but Brayden does everything but that lately. He naps maybe once or twice a week, conveniently he falls asleep around the time the others start waking up. You can't be mad at him though, he is so cute, and he does the sweetest things all the time. Great with manners, awesome with cleaning up after himself, and has quite the sweetest smile! Don't ya think?
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Dear Santa
Can you please bring me some new socks for work? These are getting a little embarrassing. There are about five pairs, all with a hole or two.. thank goodness they don't check our socks for holes at work, they check almost everything else!!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
My balls have bones.
Yep, gotta love kids. Austin was running around pointing to his pelvis on his skeleton pajamas, and telling me they were the bones of his balls. Classic.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Liam is my third child. Well, kinda... Besides my own two kids, he is the only child I have seen go through all the stages babies/toddlers go through. He has been in my daycare since July of 2008, and now I am fortunate enough to have his sister, Livi. His mom tells me his first few months he was horrible here, but surprisingly enough, I don't remember any such thing! He has definitely blown my mind throughout the years as I have seen how much stuff his parents and I have taught him. The conversations we have now are so amusing! The faces are great, too. That picture is me telling him to make a funny face.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Money Tree!
Yep, I will buy it. If it's cute and has a story behind it, I will buy one. The buddhas, the fairies, etc.. I have my good luck charms. I have my superstitions. I throw salt over my left shoulder, I won't put new shoes on a table. Soo... am I a millionaire thanks to this cute little plant from Ikea? Nope, but I do enjoy looking at it and I am fortunate enough to have two great jobs when some people can't find one.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Cooking Classes

Well, I started out the new year with a huge bang. No resolutions per say, but a huge desire to do things I want to do, and not let things hold me back. (Money, time, kids, etc...)
For years, I have been wanting to go to cooking school. My friend Niki told me that the new Publix had a cooking school, it took me awhile, but I finally went in and got some info. Six weeks. Every Wednesday Night, 6:00-9:30/10, $300.. I can do it. Yeah with the cost of a sitter and all it adds up, but if I learn a few things, it's for sure worth it... and it has been thus far. This was the second class tonight, and I love it. I know after this Beginners Class I am signing up for the Intermediate Class and so forth. I want to be as comfortable and knowledgeable in the kitchen as my Dad is... who has no patience to teach me anything! I made my friend take the class with me, and it's been good to follow through with a friend, and make new things, and let her know about them, and vice versa. It's not a bunch of recipes, it's techniques as well. I have learnt a lot, and would for sure recommend the school to people with any level experience!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
The Stress of a Spoiled Child's Life

So, I am fortunate. My children are fortunate. I work extremely hard so they have a roof over their head, their own rooms, clothes for every season, toys for every adventure and food for every ounce of hunger. They have friends, they have pets, they get more cuddles and kisses in one day than some kids get all week.. You can see stress in children. You can see the difference in a well nurtured child. My kids are extremely well nurtured in all aspects. They get everything they want and more, within reason, because I feel that is my job as a parent. Very seldom do I see them stressed out, but when I do...as a parent do I jump in and help? Or do I let them solve the problem? Well, when it comes to things like this, I let them figure it out, or suggest to them what I think they should do when I see they aren't getting any where... So, this is about Austin and the STRESS of trying to build a tank for his play shark. You can see the look of stress in his body language, in his forehead, in his eyes.. poor little bugger!
Monday, January 17, 2011
I have spices older than you!

OK, well the time has come... to clean out the spice cabinet. In cooking class they told us that regardless of expiration date we should throw them away six months after we open them.... I recently threw away the rack with most of them on it, but for some reason I kept these. The average expiration date was 2007. I just bought some new spices today and they expire in 2015...so that means.. yup... I had spices bought in 2003....which would make them older than my kids! Thank goodness I never ever used them! ha! On a nicer note, I made a few things with my new spices today... I made pico de gallo with spiced tortilla chips. It was yummy!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Showing Ice some love!

This is Ice. He is a five year old American Bulldog. He is a very sweet dog. He forgets how old and big he is, as he insists that we carry him like a baby sometimes. When in the backyard we have to tie him up. He likes to dig holes and run away to meet new people. Every morning he used to get out, but he would always come back about an hour later. One day we followed him, and he went to his usual spot about a block away. There was a younger girl with him, and as we approached to put him in the car, she freaked out and made sure we were his owners. She said that Ice meets her there everyday and walks her to school! A great dog, but no matter what we do, he wants to escape and take walks to meet new people/animals. We have to be careful though, because not everyone likes dogs, and we know he can get hurt!
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Took about 500 pics today.. had amazing lighting and got some incredible pictures from about 100 feet up in the air in a tree house at a local park. All types of angles and fun poses... and then they were all deleted..somewhere from card reader to computer they ran away. I got a strange error message... and yup...no pics. Major bummer! Best shot of the few pics I had left. :(
Friday, January 14, 2011
Gerber Daisies! My favorite!!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
No Fishing!

Well... we HAD eight fish. Now two. My son is convinced that when he sees a dead fish, that's just the way the fish is swimming. Well, we have two Betta females who have lived through all the tank drama but they play dead all the time, and it is very, very strange. Maybe they are dying.. who knows? Anyone have any experience with female bettas? I am hoping the tank water gets better, because I really enjoy watching the fish, and it's GREAT for the kids, too!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Self Portrait #1

Very busy day! I took a lot of photos today,but not with my big camera,and I promised myself this project was ONLY for pictures from my Canon 30D, so... after a busy day.. this is what I did, a little timer action... I should have taken a picture of my new fish tank with all the dead fish in it, but it's kinda depressing to look at! :( I blame the lady at Pet Supermarket.. I followed her directions 100%! Now my two old fish are fine, but my new five fish are bobbing about ever so graciously at the bottom of the tank!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Sleeping beauty.

Nothing delights me more than a sleeping child. What fascinates me is that he has an underwater themed room, and he is absolutely obsessed with fish and the water. I almost wonder if this all started from looking at the fish mobile, hearing the water sounds, and looking at his sheets.. Regardless, I adore my little fisherman Austin. Good night baby!
Monday, January 10, 2011
What Girl Doesn't Like to Play Dress Up?

My new favorite place to get away is Academy of Glam. What a divine place! You will have to look it up online to get a full scope of it, but it is exactly what it claims to be on the first page of their web site... A Vortex of Positive Energy. I am taking a class there now, called New You. Pretty great class. Well this is the fun dress up room! http://www.academyofglam.com/
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Having both a boy and a girl close in age is great. They are best friends, and they play so nicely together. The stories they tell while on their imaginary boats, or in their castles.. are amazing.. I listen from the other room, and am so happy that I have two children that are so well behaved and love each other so much.
Well today Flipper got hurt. They always watch the Flipper TV series on Netflix, funny how much they love to watch it. Well, in order to take flipper to the hospital they had to use the Hess Truck, because it could lift him up to drop him back in the water.. and don't worry about traffic....because Barbie was driving the Bat Mobile, to clear traffic out of the way for Flipper!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Miami Lakes, Florida

In Elementary school my best friend's grandma lived in Miami Lakes, in high school my best friend lived there...so I spent a lot of time there, and boy has it changed. There were cow fields everywhere, and now we have built over those fields. At least it's not a bunch of over priced condos and town houses...more restaurants and shops.. We have however put really cool cow statues around the city, perhaps as a tribute to the cow fields that once existed.
It's so funny how much Miami has changed since I was a kid. Wow, do I feel old. :( I would love to do some of the things I did with my parents as a child, but sadly a lot of this stuff has been ruined. We can't feed the fish by the Ft. Lauderdale seaport, 9-11 heightened security, and now you can't get in there without a cruise ticket. Greynolds Park in Miami was such a great park, now it's been dubbed as a place where crack heads and homeless people live.. at least we still have the beach... but now it's hard to find parking, and it's definitely not a quarter an hour anymore!!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Crocs Please!
Kind of a boring picture today, but hey Friday is a strange day for me. I have the day care kiddos, then after that I work a part time job at an awesome restaurant called J Alexander's. It's a LONG day. I wake up at 6am and don't go to bed until 2 or 3 am! Well today, I am going to share my obsession with these Crocs work shoes. They are non slip/skid, which is a must for restaurant jobs. They have a heel on them, so they make me just feel better. More height = more power in my eyes. When I wear shoes with a heel I have more confidence and I feel so much prettier. So don't make fun of my ugly work croc shoes.. my pants pretty much cover them, and they make me feel good. :)

Kind of a boring picture today, but hey Friday is a strange day for me. I have the day care kiddos, then after that I work a part time job at an awesome restaurant called J Alexander's. It's a LONG day. I wake up at 6am and don't go to bed until 2 or 3 am! Well today, I am going to share my obsession with these Crocs work shoes. They are non slip/skid, which is a must for restaurant jobs. They have a heel on them, so they make me just feel better. More height = more power in my eyes. When I wear shoes with a heel I have more confidence and I feel so much prettier. So don't make fun of my ugly work croc shoes.. my pants pretty much cover them, and they make me feel good. :)
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Who is that on TV?

Well, Livi is getting some major photo attention week one of this fun project! There are nine kids in my life, but this one is amazing me the most lately. She played with her reflection on the TV for a long time, when I got out the mirror, it wasn't so cool, for some reason the TV captured her attention! Gotta love being a baby.. how cool is it that she does not really recognize herself yet?!?!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Apple Juice?
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Livi Ellen

Monday-Friday I am a mom to six other children that are not made up of my blood and DNA. :) I run a licensed home day care. I teach the children and love the children, and prepare them for the adventure of life. Everyone is always so anxious for their children to hit milestones.. When will they sit, crawl, stand up, walk, smile, wave, clap, roll over, cut a tooth, say their first word??? Well, the milestone I look forward to happens around 8-10 months.. When will I see their personality? Well, Livi has shown us hers, and it is the direct result of two awesome parents and a stellar big brother! Welcome to the world Livi, now stop giving me those dirty looks because you want to eat, not take photos....
Monday, January 3, 2011
mmm mmm cupcakes!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Meow! Captain Tiddler to the rescue!

Here we go, my first 365 project. A picture everyday.. Day number 1. Had the camera out for the Los Olas Art Fair... ended up carrying my six year old, because her feet hurt, so not so many pictures. Went back to my Dad's house, and hung out on the verandah listening to music and watching Erianna and the cat play. Good times.
This is the cat who jumped/leaped/fell three stories the other day, and continues to hang out in high places!
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