Tuesday, February 1, 2011

First and a last time for everything...

The dogs need vaccinations. Go to the vet..or go to the mobile clinic at Pet Supermarket? Spend 300 each dog or 100 each dog? Be in a vet's office with just the vet or be in a pet store with other dogs, birds, cats, etc? Well, I should have taken them to the vet, because I THOUGHT I had it mapped out. 
Mobile clinic at Pet Supermarket which is .08 miles away from the house. Starts at 5:30 finishes at 7. 

Get out of work at 5:30 latest, go to Pet Supermarket and pick up paperwork for vaccinations, as I know I will not be able to fill it out and hold two dogs. Pick up son, call baby sitter.. Have baby sitter watch kids, walk dogs there to tire them out, hence better behavior.... NOT
After walking and attempting to tire out the dogs, they still insist on eating every dog in pet supermarket. They lift the dogs up and put them on a table for the shots...my dogs are like hell no are you picking me up.... So I have to hold one dogs leash and pick another 70 pound dog up. Fun times. I was that lady that people talk about. The lady with the horrible, aggressive, mean dogs. Nope, they are just dogs. They will stand and guard children all day. They like most people. They hate dogs. They reallllly hate yappy little dogs. They think you bark at me, I bark back, I play super rough. No bueno.. No Bueno. Let's not even talk about when I was paying upon leaving and I loosened their leashes so I could grab stuff out of my purse...and yep... they saw the big old cat cage, and went absolutely insane and tried to knock it over.. Yep, I am that lady. I will NOT be doing that unassisted again. 

The picture was taken when we got back and they drank a lot of water and splashed themselves with it after a fun and exciting evening!

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