Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What happened to my little Kindergartener?

Oh, I know, she grew up! More than half way through the school year and she has so much style in her uniform it's crazy! A different pair of knee high socks every day, she does her own hair, and she sneaks some of my perfume on once in awhile. She has so many older friends. Every Thursday I go to lunch with her, and it's like a meet and greet. About ten older girls walk over and give her a hug and a quick little smile, and she tells me all the time, they are my 2nd grade friends. She also tells me all the time about a boy she is teaching to talk, and how he adores her. She said he was probably three because he couldn't talk, but I actually met him today, and he is seven. He has some kind of learning delay, and is in the ESOL class, which has outside time at the same time as her class. She adores him, and he definitely thinks the world of her. I watched her spend most of her recess time saying words, and getting him to repeat them. She is quite the nurturer. She loves to help people. She loves to be around all the day care children, too. She plays with the babies, and she does projects with the bigger ones. Her brother cries in the middle of the night, and she invites him to sleep in her room. She is such a great child. How did I get so lucky?

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