Thursday, April 28, 2011

Nana and Erianna

Erianna is still upset about her great-grandmother's passing in March. I think she was a lot closer to her, because since my mom passed away when I was pregnant with Erianna, my Grandmother became my motherly figure.. so I talked to her all the time, and went to England once a year to see her, so Erianna heard her name a lot, and went with me every time to see her. So I kinda figure that with her passing, Erianna had the love for her that most kids have for their favorite Grandma.. Eric's parents live in Philadelphia, and it's hard for us to get there, and his mom doesn't like to come here because it's so hot, so Erianna is not as close with her as she could be. She loves her, but she barely sees her or talks to her... My dad remarried after my mom dies, but that relationship didn't last very long, so Erianna really doesn't have that awesome relationship most kids have with a Grandma... it's super sad.. Well, the point of the picture is, Erianna found the soft animal in her super dirty room, and it's one that my Grandmother had laying around in her house.. so she gave it to her years ago.. Erianna named it "Mavis" in honor of my grandmother, and it's so sweet watching her cuddle with it, and call it Mavis. :)

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