Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day Eight in England, Isle of Man

The second day in the Isle of Man, was Erianna and I running around the village, and visiting our favorite places.  We went to her favorite park first, but unfortunately her favorite slide was wet!  Here are our pictures and some fun from our day...

The best slide ever!

Run on the beach... burrrrrrr

The man you see in the picture owns a store in the village called, Trends. We bought a few things at the shop and I did not notice, but they charged us twice for two of the items.  The man came to find us to give us the money back.  We were on the beach, far away from the shop, so it was pretty nice of him to come and look for us. Shows some serious honesty and integrity!

Another attempt for a nice picture on the beach...

We walked to Beryl's house to catch up. This is a picture of one of the orchids I sent my nana last year, that I gave top Beryl when I was cleaning out my Nana's house and it is so beautiful right now.  She took great care of it! :)

Erianna after not feeling well.  She got really hot and complained she had pains all over.  Luckily enough she was able to get better in time for some Isle of Man ice cream.

Erianna and Uncle Nigel with the best ice cream ever!

The sound of sea gulls reminds me of the Isle of Man, they are everywhere!

We went to see another friend of my Nana's, and after sitting there for a while we noticed how bright it was outside, so we went for a walk around her neighborhood.  We found a foot path, and followed it. 

The foot path led us to one of my favorite restaurants in the Isle of Man, the Pavillion. I have been eating  here since I was Erianna's age with my Mother.  I have a lot of memories there!

Before we left for our flight back to England, we stopped by the Calf Sound to kill time and take some pictures.  We were lucky enough to see some seals while we were there, and wow, they are loud!

Erianna starting young.  :)

At the airport, I found it funny that there were kitchen knives in there.. Like oops, sorry, I need to take my wine key and kitchen knives out of my luggage!

And, we are home!  Well, back in England.. and we went for dinner at one of my favorite Indian Restaurant.  Cinnamon in Hale. YUMMMY

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