Tuesday, June 14, 2011

ON the way to England, we'll stop in New York!!

So I chose the cheapest flight with the longest layover so I could explore!  Would have been even better had we slept the night before, but unfortunately, that didn't happen.  The smoke alarms went off two or three times for no reason.. just the day care haunting me again!!  You have no clue what 14 fire alarms sound like at 3am... well, both kids ended up sleeping in my room, and needing me to hold them the whole time, too. So I barely slept.. Austin was the only one who got a decent night of sleep, as he fell asleep on the couch before dinner, and was able to go back to sleep after the alarms... and stay sleeping with all the lights on while we got ready to go to the airport!
Must be nice...

and then we got to New York. We met my childhood friend, Veronica, in Manhattan for a fun day.  We had a blast!!!  Here are the pics!
Hello New York!

 Light a candle for Nana and Mommy..

 Lunch with Veronica xoox
 Now for the beautiful flowers of New York!

 Peaceful serene parks are the necessity in such a high paced busy city...

Happy now, but not when we could not get a cab to save our lives!!!!

Ended up taking the subway to the airtrain, to the airport.. phew we did not miss our flight!

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