Wednesday, June 8, 2011


So, I wasn't sure what to buy for the kid's teachers.. I am not going all out for Austin's teacher, because he is just a number in his class, whereas Erianna gets so much attention from her teacher, and she really loves school.. so I made yummy treats for both teachers and Erianna's teacher is going to get 4 different $25 gift cards to places I know she loves :) Here are the three projects:

First up:

Oreo Truffle Pops- I added Heath toffee bits at the end.  Yummmmy

Second up:

Chocolate Truffles With Sea Salt-Yep those are still a work in progress, it take lots of freezing, refrigerating, room temping, and all that fun stuff.  It's an all day ordeal...

Lastly- We can't let all that left over milk chocolate go to waste from the Oreo Cake Pops, so time to surprise the kids with some delicious chocolate strawberries! :)

I would say it was a good night!  I can't wait to surprise the kids in the morning with the treats.. I have bad news for them, so I needed something sweet as well.  Eric went to work Monday for the day, his plane broke..what's new.... and now he is stuck somewhere, and not going to make it to Austin's graduation.  BOOOOOOO  I really get angry about his job.  He doesn't make enough to miss out on all the stuff he has missed out on in the past.. vacations, etc...  Oh well.  One day he will make the big money so I can just sit around and make truffles all day and drink wine all night!  A girl can dream.....

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