Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Busy, Busy

So with the day care closing, I am busier than ever.  I am plotting my summer out with my kids, trying to get things sold and out of the way that I don't need anymore.. and soul searching!   My ranking (which means schedule) at my other job at has declined, and I was told it was solely because of my attitude.. so  I have to work on that while at work.  When I get to work on Friday night, I have had 50+ hours of crazy two year olds, inquisitive three year olds, clumsy one year olds, and a screaming little teething baby...so maybe my attitude isn't up to par.. Well, at least I know that is all I have to work on, and I am pretty sure after the day care closes, I will be able to get back up on the rankings and all the perks that go along with it.  I know I am an awesome server.. we all have our times when we make mistakes, but for the most part, I rock it.  It's a job meant for those of us who multitask well. :)  I also LOVE my job. It's a professional serving job.  It's full of structure, and it's unlike any restaurant I have ever worked at before.  This September marks five years, and I don't see myself going anywhere soon.  I have met so many amazing people there, and I truly enjoy going to work!

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