Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Poor Little Man

Well my Austin is the MAN.  He has gone to the doctor in the past for well visits, and asked for shots.  He watches it and enjoys it.  VERY strange.  Well, he wasn't very happy this time, but from what the nurse said he was great for his age.  He got four shots, gave blood, and got a TB... faked that he did not know the shapes for the vision test, because he wanted glasses like his best friend Vincent.  He read me a book in the room, and when the doctor came in, we loved her.  She was so sweet.  Best Dr I have ever had, and she had a cool name, Dr. Austin. :)   Here is Austin giving blood.  The whole was home he asked when he was going to get it back from the doctors.  A day later he is still saying we need to go back to the doctors so he can get his blood back.  A short video, because I saw the look in his eyes change, which meant time for a hug!!

After the doctors we went to abuelo's house. My sister and I made pasta and had a delicious dinner of home made pasta with pesto, sliced pork loin with salsa, and delicious tomatoes with buffalo mozzarella, basil, oil and vinegar. :)
Look at the cat watching me make the pasta, and my kids loving their time with Auntie Sabrina in the background. :)

Pasta making time!!

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