Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Stuck in the Middle

So I am stuck in the middle lately.  What do I want to do with the rest of my life?  Do I need a career change?  Do I want more kids?  The questions can go on and on...  I am going through that rough area again.  I LOVE my jobs most of the time.  I can't have one without the other. I wouldn't be able to do daycare all week, if I didn't have the adult life at J Alexander's on the weekend.  I couldn't do J Alexander's all week either.  SO I just sit here and think, and think, and think.. and apply, and apply, and apply.  As of next week I am officially a substitute teacher for Broward County Public Schools. Should I close the day care and just do that full time until I am able to secure a full time job at one of the schools I substitute for?  I really don't want to leave my full time job to substitute, so I have applied at  a few colleges for their masters programs..but they all want me to apply for a teaching certificate first, and I did that ages ago, and I am still waiting for that letter in order to register for classes... So is anyone truly happy with their job?  I feel like stress is in every job, but if I get a job outside of the home, at least I have a home to come to whenever I want to relax.  Plus, Eric's job is nuts.  He works crazy hours, and he wants to come home and sleep whenever he wants, be on the phone whenever he wants, jump in the pool whenever he wants...etc.. Being a licensed home day care, you can't do any of that.  We can't have family members visit.. We can't leave doors unlocked.  Our dogs have to be crated all day..  Our nice things feel the wrath of toddlers and get ruined.  My screened in patio has been broken three times in four months....and oh boy could I write a list.
BUT, then there are the kids.  Some of these kids have a permanent place in my heart, even when they misbehave... my job is amazing.. if only it wasn't so many hours and in my home.  I wish I had the funding to have a center.  Even if I made the same amount of money as I did now, it would be such a better situation.  Still all the perks, but none of the cons...  Ahh.. time to play the lotto.. Look at this child's face.  This is why I am stuck in the middle!!

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