Friday, May 27, 2011

First Interview in a million years....

So, I forgot to mention, my kids got picked for the Charter School.  I am SUPER excited about it, and HOPE it is a great move.  It is Kindergarten-8th Grade, which is awesome to me.. they have a ridiculously strict uniform policy, which I LOVE.. they require parents to do SERVICE HOURS, which is AWESOME... and they are huge on so many other things that make me smile. :)  SUPER excited.  Even more exciting is that I spoke with a lady about possible employment at the general information session the school had a few months back...and she said to send her my resume.. Well, we ended up having an interview today, and I think it went really well,  even though I didn't brush up on my interviewing skills...... It's an Administrative Assistant position at the new school.  I really liked this lady, who would be the regional Administrative Assistant.. she has the same priorities as me, and she and I hit it off like we have known each other for years!!  I really feel like the interview went well, and I hope I get the job.  It would be great to work at my kid's school. If the money is right, I will take the job, but still get my teaching certificate, just so I have something to fall back on...  I am so close to it, it would be silly not to!!  SO wish me luck.  I got a new suit and shoes for the interview, and I think I would be a good fit for the job! :)  CROSSING MY FINGERS!!!

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